Over the years I have come to realise and accept that the mind controls the body. Sometimes, I think that the entirety of my being is a product of what goes on in my mind. No wonder the bible says that "as a man thinks in his heart so is he
The mind is the seat of the heart and the heart is that part of the body that thinks, that feels, that could be hurt, that could feel pain, even though not physically inflicted. As I ponder on this thoughts and write this, my mind takes me back to my days in the university. I remember one day, I made up my mind....i just wanted to be the least in my class...perhaps in the entire school....Doubts ran through my mind, punctuating my hope.....but as I thought more about it, the more determined I occupied my mind for days and nights....I didn't even have time to think about clothes, make ups and other things that my contemporaries considered chic, stylish or invogue. I was almost oblivious of the beauty many said I had. sometimes I even forgot to eat....what was on my mind? I just wanted my CGPA to be 4.00 point nothing more, nothing less. So, I wrote my vision(what my mind was seeing) on the wall of my bunk! CGPA 4 point! How to get it!! Read!. Everyday I would wake up and look at it...I became uncomfortable with sleeping at will....sometimes even when I slept, i'd wake up with a start...and reach for my book...i started looking for ways to be by myself to read! No one was spurring me! No parent, no friend just that unseen force! My mind. There was almost a certain kind of fear...fear of defeating myself! At the end of the session, the results were released and lo and behold I had 4.00 point! Nothing more, nothing less! Perhaps if I had aimed higher...I could have achieved more. Today, I am a mother and wife! Another scenario painted itself in my mind! Anytime I have an assignment or something I have to do that my mind focuses on, I just find forces pushing me towards working on it. I like my sleep, but when things are so impressed on my mind, it wouldn't just let my body enjoy the luxury of the so much desired sleep! Even sleep refuses to cooperate my mind keeps it awake! What am I saying? The mind is the seat of power! Even religion is a thing of the mind. All religion aim to control the mind! And the mind controls our actions or in actions. ! What is on your mind as you read this. You can be anything, if you set your heart to it! I can be the president of Nigeria...I can be the good wife, I can be the bad girl! I can allow someone sweep me off my feet...I can refuse to talk to someone. I can hate, I can love! .it's all in my mind..first, take a hold of your mind! conquer the mind...choose what goes into it. ensure it dwells on good thoughts and good things! ensure it aims high and high and as u achieve what you aim for, aim higher! Talking about higher reminds me of the most high! God almighty! He said in the bible. My thoughts towards you are of good, to bring you to an expected end! This means that I occupy God's mind as well! But the only way I can accept this, is if my mind accepts it. . What occupies your mind as you go about your daily living! Look again! Perhaps...that is why you are where you are, what you are or who you are. My name is Titi Olademehin Bamigboye. I refuse letting my mind tell me I am ordinary! Yes sometimes my mind quarrels with me. It tells me! You are proud! What do you think you are? You are not all that. You Know! But I tell my mind back. I am unique! Special
..I am just me! only one Me in this world. Yea! My mind says so!
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